We had a busy but very fun week, and Papa and Grandma got to spend a few more hours than usual with Claire and Chloe. Here Papa and the girls are playing ball. They played with all different sizes of balls for quite some time. The tossing, catching, and rolling skills are getting better all the time.

A big box arrived and boxes always provide lots of creative play.

The next day the focus seemed to be on the "dress-up clothes". They had all of their costumes and accessories out, and Chloe ended up wearing one, or the other, of her fairy costumes for a couple of days.

Chloe with her beautiful fairy crown....

Claire in her pink superwoman cape and princess tiara. What a combination.

Great anticipation of Papa's arrival......

Here he comes and he has burritos for lunch....yum-yum!!

The real treat for us was that the girls got to go home with us on Tuesday to spend the night. We had planned for a special time with our good friend Miss Connie, and her granddaughter Danica, for Tuesday evening and Wednesday. So it was pizza parlor for dinner on Tuesday, and a movie on Wednesday...girls day out!
Below are Claire and Chloe in Papa and Grandma's bed starting to watch Charlie Brown's Christmas on TV. They watched about half of it and then we called it a night.

After a great night's sleep, we got up, had breakfast, and got ready for an outing to the movies. This was Claire and Chloe's first movie in a theater and I was just a bit hesitant about it being 3-D, but with Mommy and Daddy's permission, we decided to try it. Below you see Claire, Chloe, and their new friend Danica with their 3-D glasses on, enjoying their popcorn. Mommy Paula met us there so that made it much more special. Amazingly, the girls kept their glasses on for the majority of the movie and other than a few "scary" parts I think they really enjoyed it.

Time to say goodbye to Danica. We look forward to planning another outing in a few months again. All of the girls used their best manners and were so pleasant to be with and a great time was had by all!