Claire and Chloe, seen below with their drinks, are enjoying their apple juice. That is possibly the last time they had the opportunity to drink from those nifty little "sport top" bottles. 
On that particular day, we headed out on our walk as we do so often. It was hot and I was trying to get some good fresh air and some exercise for me before it was unbearable. I didn't pay too much attention to the constant chatter between the girls, but at some point I turned around and saw that they both had their juice bottles turned upside down and they had squeezed and emptied their nearly full bottles of juice all over themselves and into the well of the wagon. Their shoes, as well as my camera case, were pretty well soaked with their juice/water. I sternly told them that I was "not happy, at all" and told them that better never happen again and I blabbed on about what a mess they had made, etc, etc. Both repeated back to me, when I ask them if they understood that they should never do that again, "never, Grandma". That was pretty much it for me, although I did notice that their chatter was limited for the remainder of the walk...maybe 15 minutes or so. And, a couple of times when I stopped to talk to them, their eyes were pretty big and they were really watching me. We arrived home and I took them to the door, removed their sticky shoes, and put them inside with Papa so I could clean up the wagon and the mess. Papa reported a bit later that as they entered the comments were as follows:
Chloe = "Papa, Grandma is very angry".
Claire = "Papa, she is a mad old Grandma".
Papa claims he did not laugh, I would bet otherwise, but for the record, I learned a great lesson that day. I thought the air was clear, I had given my speech, and we had finished the walk, looked at some flowers, and other things on the way home, and I thought everything was good. Obviously, Claire and Chloe were still in shock at my anger. I am hoping that in the future I will take the time to reassure them that I am not going to be eternally angry with them, but that we can deal with the situation and go on with our day and activities. I do wonder, however, what makes Claire think I am "old"........ :):) Mommy reports that those bottles went prompty into the garbage because apparently she had experienced a similar event.
Speaking of situations, that is another one of our huge laughable moments of the week. Chloe had previously said to her Daddy, "We have a situation here" when she was concerned about some matter. We were not present when that conversation took place, but as we were leaving on Friday, Chloe followed us out on the porch and said to Papa. "Papa, we have a situation in the office". Papa said, "What situation?" She responded, "Mommy won't let me play with my collection". The "collection" she was talking about was one of several collections the girls claim to have, and in this case it was their rocks. They are kept in the closet in the office and apparently this just wasn't the time to get them out. We sure laughed over our dinner after that, and are continually surprised by the content and language skills these two year olds have.
Hope you had a happy 4th of July!