Friday night the extended family got together to celebrate Uncle Eric's birthday (Sunday) and Daddy Mike's birthday (Tuesday). Claire is dressed and ready to go......
During the day on Friday, Chloe had asked me where my Mommy and Daddy were. I told her they were in heaven with Jesus which started a very long conversation about the whys and wheres and so on. I finally thought we had finished that subject but the first thing out of her mouth after her nap was once again about why my parents were with Jesus. Precious, precious conversations.
The most wonderful news of the day came from Paula. Her ultra-sound confirmed that Claire and Chloe will be having a baby brother before too many months. How exciting is that? Chloe, who has been having us call her Diego all week, decided that the baby should be named Diego instead of Paca, her favorite name for her doll. We will see. Somehow I'm not sure she will have much influence on her parents when it comes to naming their new son. We are all so excited to welcome another baby into the family. Let the shopping begin!! Grandma and Papa have some exciting travels ahead and I'm sure I will encounter some children's shops along the way.
Bon voyage!