Monday started out with a sick little Chloe. Since it was pre-school day, she had to stay home with Grandma, Nonie, and Papa, while Claire went off to school. Claire went out to the car to leave and then came back to the door, opened it, and said, "Grandma, I'll be sad at school, but I'll be fine!" The girls really do enjoy each other's company. When Claire came home she ran to Chloe and gave her a hug like she had been gone for 5 years. She also told Chloe that, "everybody missed you!" Claire went on to tell Chloe that Jaden was sick too. That might explain something since Jaden runs from where ever he is on the playground, to hug Chloe good-bye each time I pick her up. Chris was pretty perky for the most part but before the day was over he had some symptoms too.

By Tuesday morning all three were sick. Paula took them to the doctor and he said Chloe definitely had the croup. No kidding? That might have been something I could have diagnosed, she had the most horrible sounding cough imaginable! Here are the girls outside of the doctor's office. Very pleasant and cheerful but both pretty sick.

Chloe did bring lots of smiles to our faces however, with her latest saying, "Hakuna worries..." she said repeatedly the next few days. She is such a character.
The week got worse before it got better and Chris was still suffering terribly as of yesterday. Here's hoping that the upcoming week will bring better health!