We have had a wonderful busy week during Great Aunt Jean's visit. Jean and Sharon spent quite a few hours going through paperwork and pictures that belonged to our parents. For every hour of doing that, we also had an hour with the babies. Such a reward! Here is Aunt Jeannie holding Claire and Chloe.
When we were babysitting one day, I got to feed them some squash and rice. This was my first time at feeding, but not their first solid food. Here are their precious little faces showing how much they were enjoying it. 
Claire is on the left, and Chloe is on the right.
Another cute shot of them on that day while dressed alike. They sure did look cute!

A special treat on Sunday was to bring the girls home to Grandma and Papa's house to spend the night. Aunt Jean got to have lots of baby holding time. This picture is of the babies' Sunday afternoon snooze. Well at least Chloe is snoozing! 
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