Below is Great Grandpa with his children, including Claire and Chloe's Papa.
The next picture is Great Grandpa with all but three of his grandchildren and great grandchildren. Jon was fighting fires in So. California, sweet Becky lives in Chicago, and her brother Tim who lives in San Diego was unable to attend as well.
After a busy day of travel and fun yesterday Claire and Chloe had a quiet day at home with Grandma. Here they are as they played. Also, below are two film clips of Chloe putting balls into the "laughing giraffe". She learned this skill a few months ago but today she dragged out the giraffe and played with it for some time. Not to be outdone, Claire also decided to use her dexterity.
Claire and Chloe had their 9 month checkup this week. They are progressing beautifully, as we knew already, and had to have a couple more shots. They did very well, considering the trauma of needles, and we were glad to get that over with.
Grandma and Papa were at the house for bath time one day and we took these pictures. Claire had the first bath and wasn't too thrilled to have it end. Chloe followed with her bath and pretty much felt the same way...they love the water!
The girls have to be watched nearly every minute. Paula related today that while she was changing a diaper on Chloe that Claire quickly managed to go down one little stair into the laundry room and Paula found her standing up against the washing machine looking at the kitty. Claire was very delighted with herself when she climbed up onto the ottoman today, once again, while I was changing Chloe's diaper. Fortunately, I was right there with my camera handy.
Can't resist these two photos. Chloe is really showing her four teeth and Claire is showing her one in process!
The girls had make great strides in getting around while we were gone. They both climb on the ottoman and walk around everything. They also jabber continually which is very entertaining. Here are two little movies showing Chloe with the car and Claire making her rocking horse go, go, go. It is a very busy world in their house these days with constant movement and activity.