We can recall many highlights of the trip, and here we are after climbing to the top of the Acropolis. That was quite a feat considering Norm's use of a cane and mobility issues. It was a beautiful site as well as an incredible view of Athens.

One of the highlights for me was walking through ancient Ephesus and seeing where Paul "attempted" (as our guide said repeatedly) to preach to the Ephesians. The ampitheater was amazing. We also enjoyed our time on the ship as we are seen here before dinner one evening.

As wonderful as our trip was, even better was coming home to the precious faces of our Claire and Chloe. They didn't forget us during that 19 days and we have been enjoying them as much as possible since returning.
t-shirts from Florence.
Can't resist these two photos. Chloe is really showing her four teeth and Claire is showing her one in process!
The girls had make great strides in getting around while we were gone. They both climb on the ottoman and walk around everything. They also jabber continually which is very entertaining. Here are two little movies showing Chloe with the car and Claire making her rocking horse go, go, go. It is a very busy world in their house these days with constant movement and activity.
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