Everyday the girls experience something new and interesting. Sometimes as simple as taking Papa's keys and trying to make them work in the front door. Claire worked at that task for quite a while.

Mashed potatoes fly through the air quite easily. Somehow those potatoes slipped off Claire's spoon on to her sister's forehead. No harm done, and no one seemed to mind.

Chloe continues to attempt to dress herself. Here she managed to get her "skort" on. Both legs were in their proper holes but she just couldn't quite get it pulled up. It won't be long, however.

Below Claire is putting her head in the basket. It entertained her for quite some time so it must have been fun.

Sisters playing nicely together taking turns putting the shapes through the correct holes into the container.

Papa reading nursery rhymes to the girls.

The following two films are of Papa reading. In the first film Claire had a flash back to the morning walk when she had seen a "helicopter in the sky". We arrived at the corner by the hospital at the perfect moment to see the helicopter take off. That was the talk for the rest of the day, even during the story time. Claire is filling in the pauses when Papa reads, although you can't hear it as clearly on the film as when you are in the room. In the second little film the emphasis is on the spider, which, as usual the girls tell to "go away".