Below, if you look carefully you can see Chloe's pigtails. They are getting longer and longer and she is leaving them in, longer and longer. I think she is dancing with Mickey Mouse and the gang doing the 'Hot Dog dance".

In the shot below, Claire is telling me all about the Iguana's missing eye. Poor little Iguana, it was a very serious problem. Thankfully, Claire found it on the floor and gave it to Grandma before someone swallowed it.

In the shot below, Claire is telling me all about the Iguana's missing eye. Poor little Iguana, it was a very serious problem. Thankfully, Claire found it on the floor and gave it to Grandma before someone swallowed it.
In the shot below, you can almost see Claire's pigtail. It is one little curl about 1/4 inch long. When she woke up that morning, she noticed Chloe's pigtails. She would touch Chloe's hair and then touch her hair. I finally asked her if she wanted a pigtail too, and of course she did. In the pictures, she is busy with their new puzzles.

Near the end of the week, Papa and Grandma took a quick trip to Ft. Bragg, one of our favorite places to go. The weather was cool and somewhat foggy but the sun was also out a good share of the time. We stayed overlooking the Noyo Harbor, where we have stayed previously. We enjoy watching the activity in the harbor as the boats come and go. As we ate breakfast at our motel Friday morning, in walked our dear friend Jeannie's parents who live in Oroville. They were at the same motel. Such a small world. I wish I had taken their picture.

This picture is of the bridge over the Noyo Harbor looking from the balcony of our room.

This picture is of the bridge over the Noyo Harbor looking from the balcony of our room.
We visited the Pygmy Forest south of Ft. Bragg. In all the years we have been going to the North Coast, we had never gone before. It is one of those "one time experiences". Interesting, but not that stimulating. It was good to get away but good to come home as well.
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