Twenty months old! Claire and Chloe's vocabulary increases by the minute it seems, and amazes us every day. You can actually carry on a conversation with each of them about what they want (or don't want) to eat, the books we are reading, and the surroundings wherever we are. Both are doing quite well recognizing colors and identifying objects by color, i. e. blue shoes, red apple, and purple--- everywhere. Chloe loves purple!
This week it seems that I got several up close shots of Claire and Chloe. Here Chloe is making her "troubled" face. She can do that pretty much at any given moment when asked to do it. Below Claire is jabbering about something. She didn't eat much at all that day but was happy to sit in her chair and converse.
Below, Papa and Grandma and Claire and Chloe were out to lunch. Papa had been feeding them some frozen yogurt after they ate their lunch. They eagerly await the next bite.
Below, Papa is reading a book to the "tu-tu" clad twins. The title is "Is My Shirt Getting Smaller?" The answer to that question, is "yes" clothes are fast becoming too small for the growing girls.

Claire rocks the babies below. Their names are Deedee and Poka. Be sure you don't get them mixed up because both Claire and Chloe will set you straight.

Chloe was convinced the missing quarter was under the chair.
Claire rocks the babies below. Their names are Deedee and Poka. Be sure you don't get them mixed up because both Claire and Chloe will set you straight.
Chloe was convinced the missing quarter was under the chair.
Tu-tu's and water bottles. It doesn't take much to entertain these two.
Here are a couple more shots of the park this week. Notice the jackets and long pants,
Fall has arrived in Chico.
Claire is still singing whenever and wherever she is. Here are two clips of our song, "Good Morning Merry Sunshine". The first time, when I asked her if she wanted to sing for the camera, she went to get her xylophone in order to accompany herself. :) If you listen very carefully on the second clip you can hear Chloe chiming in.
And yes, for some reason I had some formatting problems this post but I think you can still read it.
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