Below Claire and Chloe are "rocking their babies". The dolls names are Pocca and DeeDee. Sometimes they just put the dolls in the chair and ROCK the chair... this time, however, they were gently rocking the babies and having a great time.
Our church was fortunate enough to have the African Children's Choir on Friday night. Claire and Chloe attended their first concert ever with Papa and Grandma. They really enjoyed the music and activity. The choir had amazing energy and great voices. Claire and Chloe clapped at the appropriate times and managed the first half of the concert quite well for 21 month old toddlers. We didn't push our luck however, and left at half-time.

Below is Claire sitting on Papa's lap.

Papa is helping Chloe into the car, and the following two shots are in the car on concert night.

Papa and Grandma will be missing these two sweet faces as we fly off for a week or so on a little trip. We always enjoy our trips, but look forward to our return home and our darling granddaughters.
Below is Claire sitting on Papa's lap.
Papa is helping Chloe into the car, and the following two shots are in the car on concert night.
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