Here she is doing a little gardening. Part of the time as she moved little bits of dirt she would say, "I'm a nurse". We are clueless to the connection between planting and being a nurse.
We had lots of fun times inside as well, using our imaginations cooking, tasting, shopping, and reading and playing with the toy animals. Claire continues to gather groups of animals and refers to them as a family. Chloe surprised me this week with her knowledge and recognition of letters. The girls have a set of 26 books, each book shaped like a letter of the alphabet and inside are words with pictures of items that begin with that letter. As Chloe was pulling out the books from the case, one by one, she was saying what letter it was. She knew at least two-thirds of the letters. I was amazed.
Easter was a special day, as always, for us. After church the family gathered at Papa and Grandma's house along with one of Uncle Jon's good friends. Our church had three services and the middle service was a "family" service and many children were there. Claire and Chloe did very well for not having been in a church service previously. They had color books and snacks and at one point when we were singing a hymn, Claire was singing her ABC song. Chloe announced when the music was over that she was "ready to go now". All in all, they did very well. The downside to Easter this year, was that Papa was quite sick and didn't even leave his bed. He was very concerned that no one get exposed to whatever he had...that had hit him like a ton of bricks on Saturday. Also the weather was less than beautiful, actually very cold and raining. Below you see the girls in their Easter dresses, playing the piano and then on the couch with Claire giving us her squinty grin.

Here we see the girls examining their Easter baskets..... 
And later on an indoor egg hunt....

Lastly, Uncle Jon puts Chloe through the basketball hoop. She was giggling and having such fun. Papa and Grandma had gotten the basketball set as well as a little T-ball set to have lots of fun with outside. The outside part didn't work out for this gathering, but they were able to have a little fun inside. Next visit we will most certainly make use of them.
On to a new week.....
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