I hope we never take for granted the beauty that surrounds Mike, Paula, Claire, and Chloe's new home. It really is spectacular. These two pictures are looking up their driveway last Monday. I hope the color will still be there this week, but unfortunately those leaves do have to eventually fall.

Claire and Chloe and their parents have had a rough week. Below you can see Claire who was feeling pretty lousy that morning. She is pale and had been up most of the night sick. Poor little soul. Chloe was on the verge of being sick that day too, and before the week was out the "bug" got her, as well as Mike and Paula. Those viruses! Papa and I feel very fortunate to have escaped it so far. I spent a lot of time holding both girls that day so I really am thankful that I didn't get sick. Maybe those flu shots do help!

In the late morning, the sun was warm and the girls were both feeling a bit better, so we went for a little walk with their babies. It was hard work to push those strollers up that driveway.

We took a short walk down the street, very carefully staying right next to the curb, then turned around and headed back towards home.

It's all down hill from here, Chloe holds tight to her stroller.......

......but Claire's stroller got away, and her baby got dumped out. She picked her up and managed to get her back into the house. The rest of the day was pretty much spent rocking and sleeping, both Claire and Chloe, and the dolls. Claire is much better by today but Chloe is still pretty sick.

Today we celebrated Great Grandpa Ove's 92nd birthday. Here Suzie and G. Grandpa have a look at the cake.

Four of his adult children were able to attend as well as several grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Happy Birthday Ove!!!

As Thanksgiving approaches I am so thankful for our family, both immediate and extended, as well as the many, many, blessings bestowed upon us. Happy Thanksgiving to you as well!
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