The first week in January brings my birthday. This was the great surprise that I found when I arrived to spend the afternoon with Chloe and Claire. They had helped Mommy Paula bake me a cake and had made and colored cards for me. What a treat! It was a yummy lemon cake with delicious frosting. After a good lunch of pizza and salad the girls sang a very hearty 'Happy Birthday' to me and I blew out my candles. How fun!

Later they modeled their new warm and furry coats that Nonie got them for Christmas along with their new fluffy scarves that Aunt Suzie made for them. Pretty cute, I'd say.

We skipped nap time that day so we could just play and have fun. Below you see Chloe on the trampoline. This week she thought it was OK if I took her picture while jumping and it also shows her willingness to share at this particular moment.
Below in this little clip, Chloe is asking me to tell her a "Once Upon a Time" story. That is often a clue that she might want to cuddle and rock while we make up a story. The story she is talking about is one about some bees that moved their home shortly after they discovered their two favorite little girls in the neighborhood had moved. The problem with Grandma is, I can't always remember the exact way I told it before, and that is important. :):) The story ends with the bees locating those two special little girls in their new home in a new town.
Papa's birthday is next, followed by Uncle Jon's, maybe a new expected baby brother's, and then Chloe and Claire's at the end of the month. Turning three is very exciting and January is a great month of celebration for our family.
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