This has been a very sad week for our family. Our dear father, father-in-law, grandpa and great-grandpa passed away. His pain and discomfort are gone now and although we will miss him terribly, he is at peace, as are we, knowing that he is with his Heavenly Father. With his family gathered around the last couple of days of his life, he talked and reminisced and was able to say lots of important things to his children and grandchildren. He has left a wonderful legacy and was always a man who worked and lived with great integrity.

Below are some of his grandchildren and great-grandchildren who had gathered to help celebrate his 90th birthday a couple of years ago. Claire and Chloe are in the front with their cousins.
Grandpa Ove hadn't met Christopher yet, but was looking forward to visiting him in the near future. That was not to be.
This picture is from last week. Christopher, being held by his Mommy, is grinning big time at Papa. He really seems fascinated by Papa and we have decided it might be Papa's voice.

Claire and Chloe enjoying nature as they ate their lunch. The flowers and rocks and just about anything else outside makes these girls smile.

Papa and I had made a trip to the North Coast and brought home some rocks from near the ocean. You would have thought we had brought these girls a million dollars. They loved touching and describing the rocks that will now be added to their "collection".

Today, was our play date for this week with Chloe and Claire. Claire was a bit under the weather, but managed to have a great time talking to us about a lot of things. We didn't go outside but enjoyed our time inside reading and playing. One of the highlights of the day was at lunch. Chloe had wanted a turkey sandwich like Papa was having. Claire didn't want that but I made her a tiny little finger sandwich anyway, hoping she would give it a try. When it was time to pray for lunch the following prayer was offered by Claire.
"Dear Jesus, Thank you for this day. I don't really like this turkey sandwich and I'm going to give it to Papa just as soon as I am done talking to you. Amen."
She could not have been more sincere, but Papa and I could hardly contain ourselves. Out of the mouths of babes....

Chloe kept us laughing too. She wanted Papa to tell her lots of stories and he did tell her several today, mostly about when he was a little boy. She adds to the stories as they go along, and if she repeats them to anyone they will hopefully realize that she has an incredible imagination.

Chris went on a little hike with his Mommy and Daddy today. He came home all smiles.

Here he is looking up at his Mommy in such an adoring manner. He is probably wondering when he gets to eat again!!!

Chloe and her new pom-poms, taking a little chance to get outside after Claire had fallen asleep.

After over two hours of trying to upload a video of Claire telling a story today, I have given up. This blog site can be so frustrating! So if you would like to hear her story,
click here, I uploaded it to YouTube instead. Keep smiling Grandma Sharon!
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