Paula's maternity leave ended this past week and the transition of having Mommy working again began. I am happy to report that it went very smoothly. Chris took his pumped milk, as well as formula, very well from a bottle. He was super happy to see Mommy when she arrived home in the morning as well as when she got up from her sleep in the afternoon. I will be helping out with the childcare mostly for Chris but also for Chloe and Claire when they are not in
Chris really enjoys looking at himself in his mirror as you can see below. He also keeps track of the girls wherever they happen to be in the room. They are rarely quiet and he takes in all of the conversation and antics with eager eyes.

Papa and the girls spent some time reading as usual.

When Papa wasn't there one day and I had to postpone reading for a few minutes to tend to Chris, Chloe decided that she would read the child's dictionary to Claire.

One of the funny moments of the week was when both girls decided to be Mommy birds. They made lots of eggs out of clay and then with Mommy Paula's permission, placed those eggs on a sheet of paper on the floor (carpet) and sat on the "nests". They were busy gathering worms and berries to feed the babies as they hatched. I innocently asked where the Daddy birds were and why they weren't helping. Chloe instantly responded, "A big tree fell and killed my Daddy bird but Jesus is going to do a miracle and bring him back." Claire picked right up on that theme and told me that her Daddy bird had been hit by a car but that Jesus "would do a miracle" and bring him back too. Not sure where all that came from....maybe the Easter story??? Anyway it gave me a chuckle.
On Friday, Nonie (Paula's Mom) came, and the two of us had a great time with the girls and Chris. We seem to make a good team and believe me, we were both continually busy between the baby and the three year
olds. I look forward to the upcoming week and gaining a bit more experience on the baby tasks. I felt a bit rusty figuring out when and how to keep Chris content and well fed. A bit more practice will help with that I am hoping.
It appears that some little fingers must have been on my camera lens when you look at the smudges on several of the pictures. I will be lucky to be able to even get pictures given the pace of activity, but I'll certainly do my best.
My two days of childcare coming up this week will be the highlight of the week I am sure.
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