Chris' physical skills are changing daily. He can sit up with some support and appears ready to take off and crawl at any moment.
One morning this week the girls became princesses. They stayed in that role for the entire morning. Claire insisted she was Princess Suzie and she declared that Chloe's name was Princess Chloe Claire.

During their reign for the day, they each decided to have a healthy snack. Chloe chose a banana and Claire chose carrots.
For lunch we decided to cook the rainbow pasta that Papa and I had brought home from the Harry and David store in Medford. Chloe loved it instantly, Claire needed a bit of coaxing to even taste it but then loved it as well.
Chris had some cereal for lunch but his main concern was that he needed to have a spoon in his own hand while being fed. Believe me, he will not stand for it any other way. At 6 1/2 months, he is not easily distracted once he puts his mind to something. He is a determined little fellow.
Some outdoor activity preceded a cake baking project. Below the girls were "birds" and were flying around their driveway.
The cake baking was fun. Claire and Chloe had grown the zucchini in their garden so that made this cake very special. They started by grating the zucchini, very carefully.
Then shared the stirring responsibility.....
Chloe can't resist tasting the batter....
And the finished cake turned out quite nice and quite was a chocolate/orange zucchini cake. Noni (Paula's Mom) was there as well, and we were quite proud of the way the girls managed to follow directions and work diligently. As Chloe put it, "this is a family team project".
On Friday, Claire, Chloe, Chris and Paula traveled to Nonie's town to attend the county fair. I can't wait to hear the details from the Claire and Chloe next week. Paula reported that they had a wonderful time!
Your eyes are not playing tricks on you, today's text and pictures aligned themselves however they dropped and couldn't be adjusted. The software (or something) on this blog site needs some improvement and/or upgrades. My frustration level is high..... enjoy your new week!!!
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