The family celebrated my birthday as well as Papa's birthday on this past Friday night with a yummy tri-tip dinner cooked by Paula at their home. Everything was so delicious, as usual, she is a fantastic cook. Chris had so much fun with the aunts and uncles and the activity that was going on. He had a little 'pre-dinner' but of course joined us when we were ready to eat.
Papa, Grandma, and our three precious and beautiful grand children....

On Thursday, my actual birthday the girls called and sang Happy Birthday to me. We had a long conversation with lots of laughs. One of the memorable parts of the conversation went as follows:
On Thursday, my actual birthday the girls called and sang Happy Birthday to me. We had a long conversation with lots of laughs. One of the memorable parts of the conversation went as follows:
Claire: Grandma, know what?
Grandma: No, Claire, what.
Claire: I heard Miss Linda and Miss JoAnn (names have been changed to protect the guilty) talking about someone today.
Grandma: Really, what did they say?
Claire: They said, Helloooooo, duh!!!
Grandma: Were they talking about you?
Claire: No, they were talking about a human, but I don't know if it was a boy or a girl.
Papa and I laughed all evening... I'm thinking those teachers don't realize how much the little ears take in. Some poor little soul must have been slow brained that day but Claire was, thankfully, confident that it wasn't her. :):)
Happy New Year to all!
Happy New Year to all!
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