Are four year olds still considered toddlers? I'm not sure, but it made for a catchier title today. Sometimes those blog titles don't just "pop up" for me. The week before last, we had a day with the grandchildren. We were all headed for the park but Chris started to show strong signs of sleepyness and so we paused in our preparations and within minutes he was asleep. Mike came home about then, so we took off to the park with just Claire and Chloe. We stopped and picked up some lunch and had a picnic before moving on to the swings. Both girls are proficient in pumping themselves now but they still like occasional pushes from Papa or me.

Chloe and Claire love this slide, so eventually we moved to the area where the slides are and enjoyed watching them run, play, and slide for quite a while. can't beat having a sister for a playmate which brings me to a conversation that Paula overheard and then passed along to me.
Chloe: "Claire, I love you more than I love Mommy and Daddy."
Claire (ever the diplomat): "Well Chloe, I love you JUST the same as I love Mommy and Daddy." (Maybe she sensed Mommy was listening.) :)

Claire with her collected items, rocks, sticks, and leaves.

Chris was awake when we returned, none the wiser that he had missed out on lots of fun. He was ready for some time on Papa's lap.

Later that week their family went on an overnight camping trip to a nearby lake area. The girls called when they got home bursting with stories about what they had experienced. They were most excited about the trilliums and marsh marigolds they had seen. Since their Daddy is really into a trillium project at the moment, which you can read about
here, I guess they have caught his enthusiasm. They also saw lots of crayfish and had "so much fun with their flashlights in the tent" when it was dark. I can tell you that Mike and Paula didn't enjoy the trip quite as much as the kids did, but I am sure they will go again and again.
This past week on Tuesday we arrived with some apricots fresh off of our tree. Chris LOVED them as evidenced below. What a character, I finally had to say no more, I was worried he would get a stomach ache.

Unfortunately shortly after we got there Chloe began to feel rather lousy. She was very feverish and spent the rest of the time either on Papa's lap or mine.

We turned on the TV to keep things quiet and calm and Claire and Chris were glued to whatever was on.

A little book time before we left and then our time was over. Chris eventually got the bug as well, but the last I had heard, Claire had escaped it. Thank goodness.

We are so looking forward to time with the "toddlers" again this week. Stay tuned.
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