Papa's mischief started shortly after that conversation. The girls started discussing lunch and what they wanted to eat. Naturally, they didn't want the same thing. Papa talked to them about flipping a coin and explained that someone had to loose when you flip a coin. They both agreed that they would abide by the coin flip. So the coin was flipped and immediately one of the girls (who shall remain nameless to preserve her privacy :) ) went running off to the bedroom in tears. She was back shortly and the winning twin offered to flip again. Well, the results were the same for three flips and each time the looser ran off to her bedroom. She was never gone more than a minute and recovered quickly. Finally the winning twin offered to have what the loosing twin wanted, she just wanted to make her sister happy. Now, as if that wasn't enough drama for the day, Papa also got to talking about tic-tac-toe. He offered to show them how to play it. Well, the first looser ran off to the bedroom in tears. She returned quickly however, and the other twin lost the next time. She also ran off to the bedroom in tears. This went on for several games, one after the other. They would loose, run off in dispair, and then return a few minutes later wanting to play again. The final straw was a game where it was a tie and Papa announced that neither one of them had won, and that the 'cat' (as we always said in our home) was the winner and drew a big 'C' through the game. Now both girls immediately ran off to their bedroom in tears, and I mean real tears! The bad thing was that by now Papa and I were laughing so hard it made it worse. One of the girls maintained that the game was not fair!!! Lessons learned, I think we will choose our activities more carefully next time. I have decided after thinking about it, that maybe if you are a younger sibling you might be more able to accept that you are going to often loose to an older sibling, but when you are exactly the same age, your expectations are different. Whatever the case, we sure need to work on sportsmanship.
Below you can see Chris watching to see if anyone is noticing that he is about to play with one of the girls' LeapPads. Normally we keep them up when not in use. He didn't get away with it for long I might add.
Chloe asked me if I would take a movie of her. If you click on this link you can see what she had to say. So sweet. Once again I am unable to upload movies to this blogspot. I need to get to the bottom of this.
Looking forward to celebrating our wonderful freedoms and our country this week. I am so thankful for what we have, and for the opportunities we have been given, and to live in such a great country. God has truly blessed the USA, may we never take that for granted.
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