We savored every moment with the girls this past week because we are going on a vacation for a couple of weeks. I'm anxious for the new experiences, but am already missing the precious little faces that bring such joy to our lives. Above, the girls are seen after they both pulled themselves up to the ottoman. Such big girls!
Here Claire is playing the musical drums while Chloe looks on.
Below Chloe is in her new high chair checking out her first experience with Cheerios.
Claire, likewise, is trying out her new chair and her Cheerios,
Below the girls are standing at their "busy table". They are all over the place and pulling themselves up to anything they can get near. The busy table provides lots of fun time for both of them, it has lights, music, and moving parts.
Here is a particularly sweet picture of Chloe. Her little rosy cheeks matched the flowers on her shirt.
And finally, Claire is so totally delighted with something on the busy table. She was having a ball!
I know when we return from our trip there will be many new skills that they have developed to share with you. Until then....see your later!
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