When Papa shows up, he often brings the girls a little surprise. Tiny pieces of beef jerky seems to be one of their favorites, and this week he brought a bag of popcorn. We popped it in the microwave, and the girls enjoyed it for quite a while. Here Claire is with her little cup that I think I filled three times.
Claire brushing her teeth with one of her Christmas presents from Aunt Suzie and Uncle Eric.
Saturday, the family got together for a low-key lunch at Smokin' Moe's to celebrate Uncle Jon's birthday a day early. Here are the girls with their Daddy/Mike, and Papa.
Uncle Jon and Claire.
Claire with Smokin' Moe's pig.
Aunt Suzie and Chloe and following, Chloe kissing the pig.
Chloe and Uncle Jon. I think she is saying "booyah" which is how the girls often greet Uncle Jon. He taught them to say it and now they have such fun teasing him with that.
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