Below you see Chloe upon her return home from the doctor's visit. We are trying to get her to drink some chicken broth. We were not successful.
Chloe and Papa share a little quiet time. Claire was sleeping. They definitely changed their nap habits while ailing, and rarely slept at the same time but would take little short naps frequently.
Chloe and Papa share a little quiet time. Claire was sleeping. They definitely changed their nap habits while ailing, and rarely slept at the same time but would take little short naps frequently.
Papa getting some fluids down Claire. Even on one of Claire's sick days, she greeted Papa at the door with, "I love you Papa, SO MUCH!"
Below you see Chloe giving herself a breathing treatment. She had, on every treatment previously, screamed and wailed and was hysterical. On this particular morning, Mommy had decided Claire was needing some breathing help as well, so prepared it with her in mind. Claire would have no part of it. She had watched Chloe have a few, and would soothe Chloe and say, "It's ok Coco, you'll be ok" but when it was her turn that was another story. We had a very hard time even holding on to Claire, she is so strong and muscular. All of a sudden, Chloe walks up, takes the mask and proceeds to give herself the treatment as if it was no big deal. All hysterics for Chloe were gone, we were stunned! I guess she just needed to show Claire she was a big shot.
Watching the Mickey Mouse of their favorite shows.
More evidence that Claire was feeling better, she was singing again and still in the Christmas spirit.
One thing both girls like to do is to "get naked". For them, that consists of taking off their shirts and occasionally their pants too, and running around. Daddy has started to set the timer for 10 minutes when this activity comes up, and then they need to put their clothes back on. On this day they wanted to "be naked" and Chloe reminded me to set the timer. While she had her shirt off, she tried to help Papa with his soda cap.
Once again, the apple peeler entertained the girls. We certainly have gotten our money's worth from it already. Claire had tasted apple slices earlier in the day but really wouldn't eat much. Chloe, after helping "make apples" decided she would eat some slices. That was good, she had refused them several times before during the past few days.
I am happy to report that the girls are on the mend. Both are feeling much better and look much better. Claire and Chloe are so fortunate to have their own private nurse/Mommy and who did an excellent job taking care of them, even while working two 12 hour night shifts this week and a Daddy that takes such an active part in their care. Even before this episode, our family has recently been reminded again, that good health cannot be taken for granted. We are so very thankful that things are looking better. Thank you God!
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