Christopher continues to grow and thrive and is a charming little soul. The week ahead brings some medical tests for him and we are praying that his health issue has resolved itself. He has clearly "rocked" his sisters' world but at the same time he has brought joy and fun to their daily lives.

I was able to stay with the girls for a few hours one day this past week while Mommy and Chris ran errands and grocery shopped. Soon after arriving I was informed that Chloe and Claire were now Belle and Snow White. I was to be the Mommy of Belle and Snow White (who were apparently sisters....who knew that???) and was clearly directed into my role for the day.

Below Belle and Snow White had flowers for their Mommy. They also baked and cooked and gathered berries and other fruit for me to eat as well. Snow White (Claire) made me a "banana cream apple pie" which she carefully rolled out like dough, and baked in her oven.

When lunch time came I told them I would fix the lunch. Neither of the girls have been too keen on grilled cheese sandwiches but I decided to try again. Claire insisted that I wasn't doing it correctly and that she wouldn't like it. Below you can see her comments after tasting her sandwich. I had no sooner put the plate in front of her and she quickly took a bite. They ate a whole sandwich between them. Chloe, who at this point in time is a better eater than Claire, decided her sandwich was "yummy". Besides liking her lunch, Claire declared that she has an "amazing life". That she does...I won't argue with her.

On Thursday, our long time, dear, family friend, Gayle, cooked dinner for the family at their home. This is a gift she occasionally does for a family that has a new baby. She invited me to come along which of course I was happy to do. What a great idea it turned out to be. Chloe and Claire helped her make brownies when we first arrived, and then were in and out of the kitchen "helping", until their cousin Richard arrived with his Daddy, Uncle John, for a weekend visit.

Richard and Christopher pose for a picture. This was Richard's fist time meeting Christopher.

Richard, Paula, and Christopher.

Uncle John (Paula's brother) and Christopher pose. Uncle John was actually getting a little rest as he posed for this picture. He had, for more than an hour, experienced a good workout playing with the girls and Richard. They were all so excited to see each other and they did not let up on the physical activity. I am sure they had a wonderful weekend of visiting.

Wow, March is nearly here already and Christopher is one month old. I am looking forward to my time with the grandchildren this next week.
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