Chloe is always interested in helping in the kitchen. She helped prepare a dinner for the family by stirring the sauce for the pork chops that were put in the crock pot. It turned out quite tasty, I'm told, and today the girls ate a bit more of the leftovers for their lunch.

Precious little Christopher is doing what 1-2 week old babies do best, eating and sleeping! He is such a good baby his Mommy and Daddy report. He had to undergo another procedure this week which had to really be uncomfortable for him. He was a trooper and we are hoping and praying that his problems will be resolved very, very, soon.

Papa and Chloe, and then Papa and Claire, are reading a really special book about being a big sister. So far, they are terrific big sisters.

The end of the week has provided us with spectacular weather. Warm, sunny days and not so cold nights. The girls have had lots of outdoor time, I'm told, and today was no different. The creek behind their house has, and is, going to be a continual source of entertainment and learning for Claire, Chloe and eventually for Christopher.

Their self designed project for the day was getting rocks out of the creek and putting them into a pile. They likened it to a family of rocks, often describing the rocks as certain family members, daddy, mommy, brother, sister, etc. They also told me they were finding fossil rocks and would describe the rocks as "very special" or "this one is a beauty".

Oooppps! Chloe sat down in the creek!

After a good amount of creek time we ventured to the front where they decided to work in their garden.

Lunch was left over spaghetti (from Uncle Superman's birthday dinner out), left over pork chops, and fresh pears. Claire is showing us once again how Uncle Superman taught her to twist her spaghetti on her fork. I think she did a little too much twisting on this bite.

To top off this week we enjoyed a great Superbowl. Congratulations Aaron Rodgers and the Green Bay Packers!!!
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