Sunday, June 27, 2010

High Energy and Chloe Takes the Stage

There were some high energy moments this week. The girls were having such a great time in the pictures below just talking and giggling. I guess I am going to have to start taking some notes, because I can't remember what we were talking about, but I know there was much laughing going on. Papa was on the love seat to Claire's left, so he was very involved in the hilarity as well.

Claire posing for a picture and squeezing those beautiful blue eyes tightly shut.
Chloe suddenly volunteered to sing for me which is almost unheard of. She has been singing more lately, but this time it caught me by surprise. I will include three of her little songs.

This would be some of the "high energy" I referred to in the title.

Chloe and Claire discussing their milk and the cup being the "perfect size" during breakfast.

A little humor from today, Sunday. Chloe called Papa - Grandpa. I said, "Grandpa? I thought his name was Papa". Her response was that Claire could call him Papa but she was going to call him Grandpa. So there you have it. She did say, "bye Papa" when we were leaving, so I guess she must have changed her mind. That is a girl's prerogative, right? (And, yes prerogative is spelled correctly...but it sure looks funny to me.) :):):)

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Just an Ordinary Week!

This past week could be considered an ordinary week, if there is such a thing, with two 2 year olds. Nothing unusual scheduled, but lots of laughs and conversations about so many new and interesting things. Claire and Chloe wore their Hawaii dresses one day when we visited, and looked particularly cute, in my opinion.

The girls each got a turn to try and take a picture with Grandma's camera. Here Chloe got a shot of Grandma and Claire. Claire's attempt somehow turned into a movie...with Chloe and Grandma saying, "Cheese".

Hula hoops came into Claire and Chloe's lives this week. I hope they can master it. It was something that I never, ever, could really do, and it is a wonderful form of exercise for those who have the rhythm and skill.

The girls occasionally get to watch a show on TV called Dinosaur Train...I think that is the name of it. They have shown such interest in dinosaurs over the past few months and their Daddy plays a game with them telling them they have to be careful of the hot lava on the floor in their living room. It is fun to see them gingerly walking and pretending to avoid the "hot lava". Here Claire is talking to Papa about the lava and then Chloe picks up the conversation about a dead dinosaur. What amazing imaginations they both have.

The girls jumped a hurdle this morning at Sunday School, with both of them waving goodbye to Daddy at the door. Usually one of them struggles with the separation, even when I am staying with them, but today they showed improvement in that area. Claire also sang with great gusto when we sang "Jesus Loves Me" and "Jesus Loves the Little Children". It did my heart good! The girls both took part in some discussion as well. The story was about David and Jonathan and friends in general. Chloe told the teacher that she had Uncle Eric who was her friend. Fortunately, she got to see Uncle Eric and Aunt Suzie at lunch when we celebrated Father's Day out.
Happy Father's Day Great Grandpa Ove, Papa, and Daddy Mike!!
Speaking of Great Grandpa Ove, a few of us gathered to celebrate Father's Day with him on Saturday. Here he is with three of his five children, Aunt Jen, Aunt Dode, and Papa.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Home for the Wedding.....

We couldn't possibly visit the Seattle/Tacoma area without going to the Pike's Place Market. The flowers absolutely command my attention, I can't even describe how much I enjoy seeing them. We also picked up a few speciality items and some really special princess crowns for Claire and Chloe while there. You will see them below.
On our way back to California we traveled to the Oregon coast, an area that we always enjoy so much. This stop was at a viewpoint somewhere north of Lincoln City, Oregon.

Here you can see Chloe with her princess crown with flowers and streamers and lots of foo-foo stuff. The girls loved them. Since they were in practice mode for the upcoming wedding that they were to be flower girls in, they used their princess crowns for practice. Mommy and Daddy worked hard to prepare them for the special event.

Uncle Jon stopped by and Claire convinced him to read her a story. I love it that they love books so much.

Somehow Papa ended up with the princess crown....I think it is quite becoming!
Saturday finally came, and the wedding of Haley and Arron that we had been talking up and practicing for, for some time, was here. Claire and Chloe did very well for 2 year olds, I was amazed. Claire finished the walk up the isle while Chloe made it halfway.Chloe didn't let down on her job however, she just froze in place and dropped her petals. Who knew all those people would be there? She smiled the whole time but seemed a bit mesmerized at all the people looking at her. Daddy eventually rescued her and she was happy as a clam. Papa and I didn't sit on the aisle...the best picture taking spot.. because we didn't want to distract them in any way. A friend did get a few shots that you can see below.

Here they come....
Claire keeps going....

Chloe stops for a look around.....

The wedding was beautiful and the party afterward was a great celebration. It was geared to family activities and fun for the children. Hula-hoops, bubbles, hammocks, balls, volleyball and almost anything you can think of was available for play time. Everyone had such a great time! Claire is showing off her flower girl gifts as she strolls.

Darling cupcakes were made by the bride. They were tasty as well.

Claire enjoying her cupcake. Time to head home, Chloe with Daddy, after playing in the water faucet.

A great memory making day. Congratulations Haley and Arron!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

The Twins' Papa & Grandma Take a Road Trip

Before we left on our road trip, some enjoyable moments were shared with Chloe and Claire. Here we find them sitting in their wagon, inside the house, having a snack. After a walk on this particular morning, the girls played outside for a bit. Chloe doesn't like dirty hands and she is showing me that it needs to be "cleaned". The dirty hand, from rubbing the wagon tire, didn't stop Chloe from "doing her ballet" in the next picture.

Below, Claire needs to "lock the door" with Papa's keys and she just told him she would "never" push the red button on the key chain. It has been done numerous times before, but today she wasn't going to do it.

Following a couple of days with the girls, we left on a road trip through Oregon and into Washington. It has been many, many years since we have traveled by car that far north. After a smooth trip and a good night's rest we visited Mt. Rainier National Park. Below are some shots of the beauty we saw.
We met up with my sister and brother-in-law, from Iowa, and their son who has recently relocated to Washington State from Florida. Talk about two extremes in weather! He is loving it, however, and was eager to show us the sights. Below is my sis and nephew.

A friendly little fox we encountered along the road.

My brother-in-law, Bob, and Papa, enjoying the sunshine at a little lower elevation.

My nephew's condo is right next to one of glass artist Dale Chihuly's galleries. Below are a couple of views, at night, of the art work that is on a walkway that crosses the freeway. If you are ever in the Tacoma area, it is definitely worth the effort to see.

The view below is actually in the ceiling of the walkway. Spectacular!

More adventures tomorrow in the area and then we will be heading home to see our girls again.
It is wonderful to travel, but is great to return to home to our family .