Speaking of clams and moving around, Papa and I are in Maui. This is our first time to Maui, although we have made numerous trips to Hawaii's other islands. We are enjoying seafood and beauty on a large scale. Below Norm is walking on the beach in front of our condo. It has been many years since he has been able to do that, but the sand is very firm and it made it easier for him to balance. We have found an even better place for him to walk, about a mile from our condo, and we drive there and use the paved path that runs along the shore. It is a wonderful place to get some exercise.
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Moving Around
Speaking of clams and moving around, Papa and I are in Maui. This is our first time to Maui, although we have made numerous trips to Hawaii's other islands. We are enjoying seafood and beauty on a large scale. Below Norm is walking on the beach in front of our condo. It has been many years since he has been able to do that, but the sand is very firm and it made it easier for him to balance. We have found an even better place for him to walk, about a mile from our condo, and we drive there and use the paved path that runs along the shore. It is a wonderful place to get some exercise.
Sunday, August 22, 2010
End of Summer and Changes
Chloe, not to be outdone, decided to do the shorter version of "Rock - A -Bye Baby".
This is a look up the driveway from the front door.
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Best Friends
The best laid plans....the week didn't quite go as we thought it would, but time with the girls was very special. Unfortunately, I didn't get pictures at all except for this one little video of them singing a song that I have sung to them since they were born. They both know it very well but were a bit timid this time.
We were entertained by the girls doing their "pretending" on our day with them this week. They were Mommy and baby for a while, switching roles every few minutes. It is hilarious to hear the conversations between them. One of the last role playing moments was when Claire was the Mommy and she decided that baby Chloe needed to go to the doctor. Chloe didn't want to go to the doctor, and so eventually came running to Papa telling him she was not going to the doctor. That ended the game for that day.
We also got some more "stories" from Claire. She told us that she and Chloe were riding on the back of an alligator and that we (Papa & I) couldn't see them "at all". Her imagination is huge and her descriptions so vivid.
The video uploaded on the third attempt but when I try to preview it, I get an error message. So much for that...if it doesn't work, that is the reason.
Have a good week!
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Storytelling and Singing
I believe there is an exciting week ahead, we will see, and of course I'll report on it next week.
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Summer Marches On
Claire and Chloe decided to take their "truck" to Nonie's house and bring her some apple soup. Here they are waving goodbye to Grandma.
A little sisterly love.
Claire is taking a moment to chat it up with Papa.
Chloe contemplating a jump from the diving board. Should I or shouldn't I? She didn't!
Claire ended up the afternoon by playing a tune on the piano. She had given several mini-concerts earlier, playing and singing. We hope that soon that piano will belong to Claire and Chloe.