When you are not in the room for a moment, and all is quiet, here are the scenarios that you occasionally will encounter when you come back in.....Chloe, busy at something......

and...Claire reading a book.....

Below the girls were posing with Grandma and we were all saying the same word...can't remember if it was "cheese" or "pickles". Incidently, Chloe now refers to Claire as her "little sister" on a regular basis. Truth be told, Claire is just a tiny bit bigger than Chloe, but in Chloe's eyes, Claire is the little one. So precious.

Papa still has the magic touch. Claire loves to sit with Papa just before nap time.

This video was taken without Claire knowing...she was laying on the floor just singing away...
Chloe, not to be outdone, decided to do the shorter version of "Rock - A -Bye Baby".
This week will bring a long awaited treat to Chloe, Claire, Paula and Mike. They will be making the move to their "beeeeuuutifulll" new house as Claire tells it. This is the lovely front door.

This is a look up the driveway from the front door.

As I drove the girls up the hill to their new town on Saturday where Mommy and Daddy and others were getting some important things done, they chatted on and on. As we rounded a curve and were looking off into a canyon, Claire began telling me about the canyon and the possible fires that could start there, and the "predators" that live down there, and how she needs to protect her blanket from those things. She also informed me about the volcano in the distance that once had "hot lava" flowing from it. Her imagination never stops. Chloe asked me over and over if I "saw that wild animal" we passed. Unfortunately, I missed them all, having to keep my eyes on the road. Claire and Chloe have so much to look forward to in the over 1/2 acre of yard with a tiny year round stream going through it. They will see deer and other wild creatures at times, and will have a wonderful large area to play in. They showed me their new room and told me about their new big girl beds, (which are now put together and in place waiting for them to arrive). Hopefully next week at this time they will be somewhat settled in their new home, and Papa and Grandma will be off exploring Maui.
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