The day before moving day, Chloe and Claire came home with Papa and Grandma to spend the night. Both girls were feverish and coughing and the moving chaos was just adding to their misery. Some toys were moved already and the house was just not as comfortable as they were accustomed to. We loved having them, and here is Claire playing with a babyish toy that Grandma still has hanging around.

Chloe is enjoying the puzzles and talking on the phone below that. I'm not sure what that conversation was about, but it looks important.

Below you see the girls taking a much needed nap. The coughing had kept them up part of the night before, so the extra rest came in very handy. The fun part was taking them to their new house late in the afternoon. They were so excited and bounced and ran all over the house. When it came near bedtime, however, both girls wanted to go "home". We are told that it was a pretty hard night. They have settled in very nicely now, and when we talked to them on the phone today there as happy as clams.

Speaking of clams and moving around, Papa and I are in Maui. This is our first time to Maui, although we have made numerous trips to Hawaii's other islands. We are enjoying seafood and beauty on a large scale. Below Norm is walking on the beach in front of our condo. It has been many years since he has been able to do that, but the sand is very firm and it made it easier for him to balance. We have found an even better place for him to walk, about a mile from our condo, and we drive there and use the paved path that runs along the shore. It is a wonderful place to get some exercise.

Below is our condo, and following that is the view from our lanai. The condo is simple, nothing fancy, but very adequate for us. We don't spend a lot of time here, we love to spend the days exploring the island. Yesterday we drove the road to Hana, beautiful beyond description, and then got really brave and drove back on the forbidden road (so all the books say) coming up the other side of the island. It was rough, and one lane much of the way, but we saw incredible sights.

Today we visited a
lavender farm, a
goat dairy farm, and a
botanical garden. I enjoyed the lavender and garden, but I could have easily skipped the goat farm. We did get some tasty goat cheese there and will try and get in home in good condition.

The highlight of the day was lunch at
Mama's Fish House. It was gourmet food with an incredible view. We watched wind surfers as we ate, and enjoyed our surroundings completely. Below is a view from our table.

We are having a wonderful time but both of us miss our children and grandchildren. We will be home soon and will settle into a routine again, hopefully, before we travel again towards the end of September. We have to "move around" when the opportunities come up! :):)
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