The week started out with Claire being a bit under the weather. Below you see Claire and Chloe just kicked back with their juice watching something on the tube. We attempted to keep the day somewhat quiet and relaxed. She recovered quickly, I am happy to report, and the rest of the week was better.

Sweet little Claire.....

Chloe doing some important reading and other business.

Claire had an interesting story to tell this week. Nobody knows exactly where it came from, but her Daddy thinks she has combined things they have read or heard, and put them into one story. I was quite surprised when she told me this tale, and so this is about the 3rd or 4th time I had asked her to repeat it and she is talking quite fast.
In case you didn't get it all, here is what she said:
"God took all the dinosaurs to heaven and a big rock from outer space came down to the ground and it made a lot of smoke and dust and after that there were no more dinosaurs."
Chloe's question to her Daddy after she heard Claire tell this story was, "Daddy, what is dust?"
So can anyone tell me, is that what happened to the dinosaurs?? :):)
Not to be outdone, Chloe then volunteered to sing for the camera. My apologies if you have heard this song before, but she must have equal time. :)
I believe there is an exciting week ahead, we will see, and of course I'll report on it next week.
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